Of The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy hugh dinners, Desserts, and indulgent snacks-all while burning fat overnight...
Dear friend,
Picture this...
It's nine o'clock at night.
You're relaxing on the couch watching TV and all of a sudden your stomach starts rumbling.
Sweet and salty snacks are calling your name.
But you're trying to lose some weight so you fight the intense urge to eat.
After all, it's after 7pm, so that means...
NO carbs, NO sweet treats, and NO salty snacks because eating now (or before bed) means all those extra late night calories will just expand your waistline… right?
Ever felt this way when you're on a diet or trying to shed those excess pounds?
Ever wondered if you could break these conventional diet rules and still lose weight?
I'm sure you've at least thought about it because nighttime hunger and late night cravings for our favorite foods like carbs, sweets, and salty snacks are the #1 challenge of every dieter—including me.
If you're like most of the people I've met and worked with over the last 18 years this scenario probably sounds very familiar...
And you've probably wasted tons of time, energy, and money buying special foods, purchasing diet programs, or joining diet clubs...
But with zero long-term results to show for it.
I've heard from people who are shattered because conventional diets have utterly failed to bring them any lasting weight loss.
People everywhere subject themselves to lives of starvation dieting and exercising hell, and none of it is working.
They crave food, walk around hungry all day, starve themselves every night before bed, and miss out on one of life's great pleasures—eating good food.
And when they fail, as 95% of all dieters do, they feel guilty and full of self-hatred.
But they haven't failed. Those diets have failed them.
Virtually all traditional diets can be summarized by one word: restriction.
They're all about what you can't have, and very little about what you can have (and most of the time, the "allowed" choices are unappetizing).
To make matters worse, they forbid you to eat your favorite foods.
No pizza or chocolate chip cookies for months while you try to shed those 30 pounds!
That's never going to work in real life.
When the inevitable does happen—and you finally cheat because you can no longer "white-knuckle" your way through the daily sacrifice and deprivation—the guilt and regret feel terrible.
Fact is, most diets are extremely narrow with regard to food choices and variety, and many even limit entire macronutrients altogether over the course of the entire program (think keto... paleo... vegan).
Not only is this NOT necessary...
Who wants to work hard and make all those sacrifices with no reward?
Not me!
If you're busting your butt day in and day out and then hop on the scale at week's end only to find nothing's changed, that's extremely disheartening and discouraging—and believe me, I feel your pain.
You know what hard work with no reward brings?
Quitting, that's what.
And I don't blame you (or me, because I did it plenty of times myself).
Well, TODAY, that all changes because...
It's called...
Here's the beauty of this new, innovative way of eating...
Because you won't be dealing with all the pitfalls or the strict, complicated rules of conventional diets.
Three months depriving yourself with no carbs, fruits, sweet treats, or alcohol?
No thanks.
Such practices not only are entirely unnecessary, but make for a miserable, unsustainable experience.
It's not fun, it gets old, and it rarely works.
Instead, just imagine getting home from another busy day. You're tired and hungry from running yourself ragged…
The thought of having to nibble on bibs of lettuce, choke down another tasteless chicken breast or eat a can of tuna fish makes you want to gag…
So you grab your copy of Always Eat After 7PM and dive into an amazing bowl of delicious, "guilt free" One-Pan Spaghetti and Meatballs (page 138).
The smell of olive oil, basil, and oregano fill your kitchen…
After a satisfying hormone-boosting dinner, you get to indulge yourself with fat loss friendly Salted Dark Chocolate-Dipped PB Cookies (page 176), knowing each bite is taking you closer to your goals.
Then, right when your cravings hit before bed, you head to the fridge and grab a tasty pre-bedtime fat-burning snack, like Blackberry Chia Seed Pudding (page 192) to help boost your metabolism, build lean muscle and fight insulin resistance...
All while capturing your deepest, most restful sleep ever.
Sound impossible and too good to be true?
Well, it IS possible and not just on your cheat day... but every SINGLE night...
In fact, if you want to burn MORE fat, regulate your hormones, and fight aging then it's the most intelligent thing you can do.
I created Always Eating After 7PM because today's wildly popular warnings about eating at night and before bed are not backed by science...
So if it looks like I'm handing you another restrictive diet, let me be clear:
Always Eat After 7pm is totally unlike any other diet you've ever tried.
It defies the most common dietary rules like...
"No carbs" or "NO fruits"...
And it is specifically designed to work with your body's natural hormonal systems, instead of working against them...
You'll discover how easy this can be in chapter two when you claim your free copy below.
You see, even though eating late at night seems like our natural instinct, we fight the urge to eat because...
Conventional diet wisdom has programmed us to believe that if we want to lose weight, we have to avoid carbs, eat a "sensible" dinner, and never eat before bed.
Then we're forced to starve ourselves until bedtime—which is when our most intense cravings hit.
So... should you tough it out and follow the popular rule of avoiding food each night for fear of putting on pounds?
Or should you answer the call of the fridge?
Let me answer that for you...
Sounds counter-intuitive, I know, but even though nutritional science offers a wealth of advice on how to eat right, it can also confuse you with its contradictory findings.
It's probably been drilled into your head that eating late at night leads to obesity and excess belly fat.
Myths like this one are strangely persistent, even though there's little research to back them up.
My name is Joel Marion, and although it's embarrassing for me to talk about as a seasoned Fitness Professional...
After gaining almost 50 pounds in less than a year, I started to question everything I was taught about dieting for faster fat loss.
My doctor warned me that if I didn't act fast I could die an early death...
For the first time in my life, I didn't even have a choice...
There's no way I could spend another day worrying about whether or not I would wake up and send my little girls off to school...
... or spend quality time with my best friend and love of my life; my wife Lisa.
And that was the turning point.
Too many people were counting on me to be there for a long, vibrant life, and I had to stop letting them down.
It was a sad state of affairs considering I started my career in the fitness industry by winning the world's largest body transformation contest for "regular" people... the 2001 Million-Dollar Body-for-Life™ Transformation Challenge...
I've helped hundreds of thousands of individuals change the way they eat, exercise, look, and feel—worldwide.
Now, more than 5 best-selling books… hundreds of nationally published articles… dozens of TV and radio appearances...
... And 18 years of experience later, my entire identity and belief system was turned upside down when I had to face the cold, hard truth...
As hard is at was to admit how wrong I've been for all these years, I'm not going to sugarcoat it...
Once I took a deep dive into the latest scientific research I finally realized that for decades the medical establishment… big food conglomerates...
... And even the government have been filling my head with bold-faced lies about how to lose weight...
For Example...
LIE #1: Eating high carb foods (especially after 7pm) is responsible for the storage of belly fat and increases risk for obesity related diseases.
TRUTH: A 2011 PubMed published study[21] confirms those who eat carbs at dinnertime sleep better, have lower cortisol levels, healthier blood sugar and lose more fat directly from the belly region.
LIE #2: Eating your largest meals later in the day packs on the pounds.
TRUTH: After looking at numerous clinical studies throughout the entire world, the British Medical Journal[37] recently put the dinnertime eating myth to rest when they concluded once-and-for-all:
There is absolutely NO link between eating late at night and weight gain!
LIE #3: You should NEVER eat before bed (because your body will store the extra calories as fat).
TRUTH: The American College Of Nutrition[1] established that late night eaters eat 397 calories LESS per day (that's 4 pounds MORE gone every month)!
If you've been brainwashed into believing eating food later in the evening—when you're not physically active—will make you store fat, you've been LIED to just like I was.
In fact, the latest peer-reviewed research (the highest standard of scientific studies) shows the exact opposite is true...
In short, they did not pack on the pounds because they ate in the evening.
This study was published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolism Disorders.[1]
And this is only the tip of the iceberg.
Keep reading below because I'm going to provide compelling evidence inside Always Eat After 7PM that proves you can, in fact, eat your favorite foods at night—and you will burn MORE body fat because the hard-science now shows...
Eating the majority of your calories later in the day burns more fat and boosts your metabolism. [1-34]
Then it's time for a late-night eating rethink because…
I've always been a bit of a maverick. I don't like rules.
Sure, there are lots of rules I try my best to follow in life...
Treat others with kindness, respect, and compassion.
Say "please" and "thank you".
Don't steal or lie.
Ask God for forgiveness when you screw up.
The basic rules of life my parents taught me...
However, today's wildly popular warnings about eating and dieting are not backed by science...
Unfortunately, I learned this the hard way because I wasn't always the fit and healthy guy you see in this picture.
You see, even though I started my fitness career more than 18 years ago, I went through a living hell with my body.
My downward spiral started right after I launched my nutritional supplement company, BioTrust Nutrition, when I started working 12- to 16-hour days and pulling all-nighters.
I was pushing myself way too hard and that led to uncontrollable cravings for unhealthy food—particularly at night.
Now, at first I resisted the urge to eat later in the evening because I was misinformed like most people.
And if you've ever experienced intense cravings at night or before bed, I'm sure you've been there and can relate.
Then it happened...
If anybody knows how dangerous carrying around this excess flab is, it's me!
After all, I am a certified sports nutritionist (CISSN) with almost two decades of experience.
I felt like crap… I was ashamed of what I saw when I looked in the mirror each morning...
And I was putting myself at a much higher risk for developing some significant health problems.
Around the same time all this started happening more responsibilities landed in my lap...
I met my future bride, Lisa, got married and started a family.
Next thing you know, we had not one, but two little girls, Lily and Gabby.
Between work and family obligations, making healthy food choices plunged even further down my priority list.
My poor diet habits took their toll on me mentally too.
My self-esteem was at an all-time low and I secretly hid the shame and guilt day after day after day.
Even though I had helped literally hundreds of thousands of people around the world get fit with my articles and books, and BioTrust had built a reputation as one of the largest and highest-quality supplement companies in the country...
I wasn't walking the talk when it came to my own body and that led to many sleepless nights.
I had finally hit an all-time low with my own health...
And while I felt helpless, alone, and desperate… it was all a huge blessing in disguise because that's when I finally said...
"Enough is enough."
I wanted answers... I needed answers.
Look, I'm a science geek by nature and I was desperate—so I did what any desperate science geek would do...
I started digging through all the latest peer-reviewed journals and databases.
I was bound and determined to find out why my old diet tricks weren't working anymore.
Then I reached out to my circle of contacts in the natural health field...
The doctors, scientists, and innovative experts I've built relationships with over the years...
... the people who stay on top of the latest research studies and cutting-edge information.
After soliciting feedback from my sphere of influence what I discovered blew my mind...
By the time I was finished I must have spent at least a few hundred hours reviewing all the published research...
But I knew ONE thing. My reputation was on the line and it didn't matter what the science said if I couldn't prove it with real-world results.
And by this point I felt like I had a LOT to prove...
So every night after I helped Lisa get the girls off to bed, I stayed up late developing the Always Eat After 7PM blueprint...
Well, now it's been over two years in the making, but my personal results of catering to my natural instinct about eating when I was the most hungry—at night—were nothing short of remarkable.
Fast forward just a few months later and my research finally paid off because I was somehow able to completely reinvent myself by miraculously losing almost 50 pounds!
My confidence, self-esteem and willpower came roaring back and when I went to visit my doctor he was SHOCKED after he saw my blood test results.
My wife Lisa was so inspired and excited about her newly transformed husband, she literally begged me to share my new approach with the world...
So the first thing I decided to do was start experimenting with my own personal clients and I instantly noticed an emerging pattern...
Faster Fat Loss… improved health markers… greater energy levels… better sleep quality… LESS hunger and cravings...
By this point, I was on a mission!
I've always been passionate about helping other people live healthier lives, but this time was different, because not only was it helping my closest friends, family and clients...
It saved my marriage and family life.
That's why I felt a fire deep down in my heart… I had an intense sense of urgency to share this new way of dieting with the world...
Like it was my duty and obligation to make sure the hundreds of thousands of people I've helped over the last 18 years learn the real truth.
So I invested literally thousands of dollars to hire an entire team of researchers and paid a publisher to put together a hard copy book— including a step-by-step plan that ANY person at ANY age can use to achiever a flatter, firmer belly in record time.
WITHOUT the sacrifice and deprivation that accompanies conventional diets.
Then, after my blueprint was finally finished, I shipped it off to every influencer, celebrity trainer, and professional athlete I knew and the feedback was incredible....
Always Eat After 7PM is praised by today's most popular celebrity trainers and professional athletes because it's backed by hard science and caters to our body's natural instinct of being hungry later in the day.
And right now, I want to send you a copy of my scientifically-backed, new way of eating for faster fat loss...
Always Eat After 7PM teaches you how to lose big by strategically eating big when you are naturally hungriest—in the evening.
This may sound too good to be true, but let me assure you it is no gimmick.
Along the way, it moves you to a healthier, leaner body and more energy—and it does so much, much faster than today's most popular crash diets.
And you can still eat your favorite foods!
It's time to STOP declaring the kitchen off-limits after 7pm or feeling guilty about sitting down to a sensible, huge dinner, or stressing out if you don't get around to it until 8 or 9 pm.
In this program, I want you to break the rules when it comes to dieting and late-night eating so you can start transforming your body with new facts, new strategies, and new science.
If you're still skeptical or doubting this can work for you...
When you look at your other options, the choice is obvious.
Today's most popular diets eliminate entire foods groups, leading to nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and diet-induced metabolic slow down.
It's simply not worth the sacrifice or the risks—and it doesn't cater to our natural instinct of eating.
Here's what's inside that will END your diet frustrations once-and-for-all, while helping you achieve a firmer, flatter belly in record time...
Always Eat After 7PM begins with a 14-day rapid fat loss Acceleration Phase.
That's what I've seen with most clients. Although everyone is different, expect to be impressed with your own results over the next 14 days.
It' not meant to be a long-term plan but it will help you lose at least ONE pound each day for the first two weeks, just like I did.
After losing 12 pounds in less than 14 days of following the Always Eat After 7PM Acceleration Phase I know from real world experience...
You'll see such incredible fat-loss results in the first two weeks it will create the momentum you need to keep the weight off for good.
You're motivated like never before and you're super inspired by your progress so far.
Well, it's about to get even EASIER because once you hit week 3, you've reached the Main Phase of Always Eat After 7PM.
You can expect to continue losing at least 3+ pounds per week during this phase, which lasts from week three until whenever you achieve your weight loss goal.
Losing weight is about to become even more pleasant because the Main Phase is designed to overcome the metabolic pitfalls associated with conventional crash diets...
By adding Super Carbs to your daily regimen and periodically cheating on your diet, you circumvent the negative side effects and hormonal decline of calorie restriction.
Each week, you start fresh with higher levels of leptin and a hormonal environment primed for burning fat, not muscle.
You will continue the Main Phase until you reach your target weight.
Achieve your goals FASTER than ever—without cravings, hunger, or deprivation.
To summarize this solution...
When you compare the calorie restrictions, the sacrifices, and the deprivation of today's most popular diets to Always Eat After 7pm...
It's easy to see why this is a much more enjoyable, realistic, and healthy way to burn fat faster and achieve your ultimate health goals.
Keep reading below and you'll see a big, yellow button.
Click that button to claim a FREE copy of this brand new cookbook.
Let us know where to send it, and we'll send it straight to your doorstep. Just help with shipping.
And don't forget you also get instant access to the digital eBook and Audio-Book (all 3 formats) so you can get started right away (while you're waiting for you hard copy to come in the mail).
That's not all...
Alright, so you're just about ready to begin the Always Eat After 7PM lifestyle and you want to make sure you have everything lined up for massive results.
Inside this detailed step-by-step guide you'll get an itemized checklist to ensure you have everything in place before starting.
Plan out your first week in as little as 5-10 minutes, get started, and begin burning fat faster today.
Effective. Efficient. NO time wasting.
Inside this quick reference guide you'll have everything you need to go shopping, prep your kitchen, and stay on track when eating out...
When you get instant access to this digital guide today you can literally Cheat Your Way Thin!
Although exercise is not required in order to see amazing results with Always Eat After 7PM it will definitely help accelerate your fat loss.
Thankfully, there's no need to spin in circles for hours on end or slave away on a treadmill when you have access to our 15-minute fat torching bodyweight workouts.
Inside the Always Eat After 7PM Exercise Manual you will discover..
NO fancy equipment or gym membership needed.
All you need is your body weight and 15 minutes 3x per week. Only 45 minutes PER WEEK is all you need to get lightning fast results.
And don't forget, you get INSTANT digital access to EVERYTHING, while you wait for your hard copy to arrive in the mail—so you can get started RIGHT NOW if you want.
WHY am I doing this? Because I want to spread the word as quickly as possible about the new, innovative way of eating that finally makes dieting an enjoyable, sustainable experience.
If you still see the order buttons active throughout this page...there's still at least one copy available!
And since the greatest gift I can give you is the same gift I gave to my family—the gift of vibrant health—I'm giving away 500 copies today, for free!
Plus you'll get instant access to the digital eBook and Audio-Book, and all THREE FREE bonuses!
But I have to let you know because I'm giving this book away free my supply of hard-copies is disappearing quickly, so I don't know how much longer they'll last.
As soon as we run out of inventory, we'll have to shut this page down.
And you'll have to wait until it's available in stores where it will only be available for FULL price.
So go ahead and click the button below to claim your hard-copy and free gifts now.
And remember, your order is always protected by my:
I'm confident you'll see such amazing results from following Always Eat After 7PM, I'm adding my 60-Day Money Back Guarantee to the entire package.
That way, you know there's NO risk involved just for giving it a try!
So if you're not satisfied, for ANY reason...
Just send me quick email within 60 days, and I'll be happy to give you full, 100% refund on every dime you spent, no questions asked.
This means you'll even get your shipping and handling fee handed right back to you!
But here's the best part...
You'll get to keep the hard copy of Always Eat After 7PM, and the digital copy, the audio-book, and all 3 bonuses, even if you change your mind and decide this is not for you!
It's an absolute no-brainer because it's RISK FREE.
This way you have no reason not to grab your copy right now, before I run out of inventory.
After all, there's absolutely nothing to lose.
It's not necessary to suffer through the pain, deprivation, and sacrifice of avoiding your favorite foods at night, when you can achieve all your health and fat loss goals with Always Eat After 7PM.
That's something truly priceless...
And it's my 100% money-back guarantee, while supplies last.
(I understand my order is covered by a 100% money-back guarantee)
You can try to succeed all on your own following the traditional, outdated… or dare I say… obsolete diet advice on the comparison chart above...
Or the other bull the medical establishment and diet industry tries to feed you like:
And maybe you'll even have (or have had) some success following the inconvenient, conventional path.
But is it worth the sacrifice and deprivation?
I think you'd agree it's MUCH easier learning from somebody who has a proven track record of helping literally millions of people worldwide slash body fat.
Fact is, I know from experience that you're probably a lot more like me than you realize…
My excess belly flab hindered the romance in my marriage...
It negatively affected my first impressions...
It threatened the time I spent with my two daughters.
It made my time at the beach and on vacations uncomfortable...
And it zapped precious energy from my life and lowered my self-confidence.
And if I wouldn't have taken action quickly it could have completely destroyed my health and even took me to an early grave.
Listen, I won't let ANY of these things happen to you!
Because I don't want to see you end up like "everyone else" who goes through life settling for less!
Regardless of your age... regardless of gender...
Your dreams are too important. Your health is too important. The people in your life are too important.
Start today, and be closer to your goals tomorrow. The harvest of your life is waiting.
Don't allow past failures to dictate your future.
I'm here to help you, motivate you, inspire you, or provide anything else in between that you need in order to succeed.
Listen, I know from experience that your current conditions may not be ideal. Neither were mine!
Don't waste another precious day waiting for the perfect time in your life that will never roll around.
We all want to look and feel our best so we can give the world everything we've got. Yet, this is so hard to achieve when our health feels out of control.
Today, all that can change.
Here are 4 of the most common myths about listening to your body's natural instinct and why you should intentionally eat huge dinners and snack before bed if you really want to live longer and burn more stubborn fat.
Researchers from Israel wanted to test whether eating more at night makes you gain weight.
In their six-month study, they randomized people (men and women aged 25 to 55) to one of two groups comparing early morning eaters to late night eaters and the results we're surprising to say the least.
This study was reported in Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases and the huge-dinner eaters not only lost more fat...
They also felt more full throughout the entire six-month period and had more favorable changes to their hunger hormones.
Though most of us have been led to believe our metabolism runs slower at night, or while we are sleeping, it's just another myth.
In fact, research shows that the average person's metabolic rate is no different during sleep than during the day.
In short, your metabolism doesn't slow down at night.
Nor does your body store fat at the end of the day.
Whether it's 8 am or 8 pm, you use food for energy the same way.
No matter when you eat a meal, your body's metabolism increases because you have to burn extra calories to digest, absorb, and transport the nutrients in that meal.
This is known as TEF or the Thermic Effect of Food, and inside Always Eat After 7PM you'll discover how easy it is to combine foods that lead to an increased metabolic rate and calorie burn—no matter what time of day it is!
Knowing all this, how can anyone argue that a late-night meal or snack slows your metabolism?
A common misconception is that food eaten prior to bedtime is not adequately digested.
You've probably heard some of this outdated advice such as…
"At bedtime, your stomach is closed for business" or…
"Food eaten at night mostly sits there."
Not true.
Recent research clearly demonstrates that the digestive tract is fully functional
during sleep.
In fact, a study published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2017 found that a prebedtime snack eaten at night prior to sleep increased overnight muscle protein synthesis in both younger and older men.
In essence, snacking on the right foods before bed will help you increase body-contouring muscle overnight!
Almost everyone assumes that you should avoid eating large meals with higher-carb foods at dinnertime because they promote weight gain.
However, a study in the journal Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases in 2013 put this "carb curfew" to rest.
Researchers assigned 78 Israeli police officers to one of two diets for six months. Both groups consumed the same number of meals and foods throughout the day.
Group 1 followed a "normal" diet with calories and carbohydrates spread out through the day.
Group 2 was assigned to an "experimental" diet in which they consumed a larger percentage of their calories (and carbohydrates) in the evening.
Both groups
But here's the kicker:
The late-night eating "experimental" group, which ate most of their carbs after 6pm, experienced significantly greater improvements…
They lost more weight, burned more body fat, and trimmed more inches from their waistlines.
Eating carbs later in the day also improved the hormonal profiles related to hunger, satiety, and metabolism by regulating two very powerful fat burning hormones; leptin and ghrelin.
In yet, another published study from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, late-night eaters ate an average of 397 fewer calories per day.
What's more, eating carbs at night induces deeper sleep.
A research paper published in Sports Medicine in 2014 showed that people who eat the majority of their carbs at dinner actually sleep better.
Carb-induced, quality sleep decreases cortisol (a fat-storing hormone) and ramps up the production of your sleep hormones, serotonin and melatonin.
Restorative sleep increases other fat-burning hormones—the main one being growth hormone—while you sleep.
You just have to follow my simple carb-eating guidelines inside my new book and you too can experience these amazing hormone regulating, metabolism boosting benefits.
© 2020 TransformationInsider.com | All Rights Reserved
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