Advancing Your Career in Child Welfare with CASEY


CASEY jobs offer a unique opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of children and families across the United States. As a leading organization in child welfare and family services, CASEY (Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship at Yale) is committed to improving outcomes for vulnerable populations through innovative programs and evidence-based practices. In this article, we will explore the diverse array of job opportunities available with CASEY, from direct service roles to research and policy positions. Whether you’re a seasoned professional in social work or someone looking to start a career in child welfare, CASEY offers a variety of roles that cater to a wide range of skills and experiences. Join us as we delve into how you can become part of the CASEY team, contributing to positive social change while building a rewarding career in family services.

CASEY Remote Jobs Opportunities

  1. Remote Family Support Specialist
    • Job Description: Provide virtual support and guidance to families in need, connecting them with resources and offering counseling services.
    • Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in social work or related field, excellent communication skills, empathy. Experience in family services preferred but not required.
    • Estimated Salary: $40,000-$55,000/year
    • Benefits: Flexible work hours, comprehensive health insurance, professional development opportunities
  2. Virtual Child Welfare Researcher
    • Job Description: Conduct research on child welfare policies and practices, analyze data, and contribute to evidence-based program development.
    • Requirements: Master’s degree in social work, public policy, or related field. Strong analytical and writing skills. Experience with research methodologies.
    • Estimated Salary: $55,000-$75,000/year
    • Benefits: Remote work setup allowance, conference attendance support, publication opportunities
  3. Online Foster Parent Trainer
    • Job Description: Develop and deliver virtual training programs for prospective and current foster parents, covering child development, trauma-informed care, and family dynamics.
    • Requirements: Experience in foster care system, excellent presentation skills, proficiency with online learning platforms. Teaching background is a plus.
    • Estimated Salary: $45,000-$60,000/year
    • Benefits: Flexible schedule, continuous learning opportunities, impact on foster care quality
  4. Remote Grant Writer for CASEY Programs
    • Job Description: Write compelling grant proposals to secure funding for CASEY’s initiatives and programs in child welfare and family services.
    • Requirements: Strong writing skills, understanding of grant application processes, knowledge of social services landscape. Previous grant writing experience preferred.
    • Estimated Salary: $50,000-$70,000/year
    • Benefits: Performance bonuses based on successful grants, professional writing workshops, flexible work arrangement
  5. Virtual Youth Mentor Coordinator
    • Job Description: Manage and coordinate CASEY’s virtual youth mentoring program, matching mentors with at-risk youth and overseeing the mentoring relationships.
    • Requirements: Background in social work or youth services, excellent organizational skills, ability to build and maintain relationships virtually.
    • Estimated Salary: $40,000-$55,000/year
    • Benefits: Youth development training, flexible work hours, employee wellness program
  6. Remote Data Analyst for Child Welfare Programs
    • Job Description: Analyze data from CASEY’s programs to evaluate effectiveness, identify trends, and provide insights for program improvement.
    • Requirements: Strong analytical skills, proficiency in data analysis tools (e.g., R, Python, SPSS), understanding of social services metrics.
    • Estimated Salary: $60,000-$80,000/year
    • Benefits: Advanced data analysis training, remote work setup, opportunities for research collaboration
  7. Virtual Family Reunification Specialist
    • Job Description: Facilitate virtual family therapy sessions and coordinate services to support the reunification of families involved in the child welfare system.
    • Requirements: Master’s degree in social work or counseling, licensed therapist preferred. Experience in family therapy and child welfare.
    • Estimated Salary: $55,000-$75,000/year
    • Benefits: Flexible caseload, ongoing clinical supervision, comprehensive benefits package
  8. Remote Policy Analyst for Child Welfare
    • Job Description: Research and analyze child welfare policies, prepare policy briefs, and contribute to CASEY’s advocacy efforts for improved child and family services.
    • Requirements: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in public policy, social work, or related field. Strong research and writing skills. Understanding of child welfare policy landscape.
    • Estimated Salary: $50,000-$70,000/year
    • Benefits: Opportunities to influence policy, professional development budget, flexible work hours
  9. Online Child Development Educator
    • Job Description: Create and deliver online courses and workshops on child development topics for parents, caregivers, and professionals in the child welfare field.
    • Requirements: Degree in child development, education, or related field. Experience in curriculum development and online teaching. Engaging presentation style.
    • Estimated Salary: $45,000-$65,000/year
    • Benefits: Creative freedom in course development, flexible schedule, impact on child welfare education
  10. Remote Community Outreach Coordinator
    • Job Description: Develop and implement virtual outreach strategies to engage communities in CASEY’s programs and initiatives, focusing on child welfare and family support services.
    • Requirements: Strong communication and networking skills, experience in community engagement or social services. Proficiency with social media and virtual event platforms.
    • Estimated Salary: $40,000-$55,000/year
    • Benefits: Networking opportunities, flexible work arrangement, professional development in community organizing

To apply for any of these jobs or similar positions, click here.

What People Say 

“Working as a Remote Family Support Specialist for CASEY has been incredibly rewarding. I love being able to help families navigate challenging situations and connect them with valuable resources. The flexible work hours allow me to maintain a good work-life balance, and the comprehensive health insurance gives me peace of mind. While dealing with families in crisis can be emotionally taxing at times, the positive impact we make is truly fulfilling.” 

River Compassion, Boise, Idaho

“As a Virtual Child Welfare Researcher at CASEY, I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to evidence-based practices that improve outcomes for children and families. The salary is competitive, and the support for conference attendance and publications has been invaluable for my professional growth. The remote work setup can sometimes feel isolating, but regular team meetings and collaborative projects help maintain a sense of connection.” 

Sage Datawise, Missoula, Montana

“Being an Online Foster Parent Trainer for CASEY allows me to share my experience and knowledge with those embarking on the fostering journey. The flexible schedule enables me to balance work with my own family commitments, and the continuous learning opportunities keep me engaged. While the technical aspects of online training can be challenging at times, seeing foster parents gain confidence and skills makes it all worthwhile.” 

Aurora Nurture, Flagstaff, Arizona

“My role as a Remote Data Analyst for Child Welfare Programs at CASEY offers a perfect blend of analytical challenge and social impact. I enjoy using data to drive improvements in our programs and ultimately benefit children and families. The salary and benefits package is competitive, and the advanced training opportunities are excellent. The main drawback is the pressure to produce actionable insights from complex data sets, which can be stressful during reporting periods.” 

Quantum Insightful, Taos, New Mexico

“Working as a Virtual Family Reunification Specialist for CASEY has been both challenging and deeply satisfying. The opportunity to help families heal and reunite is incredibly meaningful. The flexible caseload and ongoing clinical supervision support my professional growth. However, the emotional intensity of the work can be draining, and maintaining boundaries while working from home requires constant vigilance. Despite these challenges, the positive outcomes for families make it all worthwhile.” 

Harmony Healinghart, Reykjavik, Iceland

More Remote Jobs

  1. Virtual Reality Experience Designer
    • Job Description: Create immersive VR experiences for training, entertainment, or therapeutic purposes.
    • Requirements: Experience with VR development platforms, creativity, understanding of user experience principles.
    • Estimated Salary: $70,000-$110,000/year
    • Benefits: Work with cutting-edge technology, flexible hours, opportunities for innovation
  2. Remote Data Scientist
    • Job Description: Analyze complex data sets to provide insights and guide business decisions for various companies.
    • Requirements: Strong analytical skills, proficiency in programming languages like Python or R, understanding of machine learning algorithms.
    • Estimated Salary: $80,000-$130,000/year
    • Benefits: Intellectual challenges, potential for performance bonuses, flexible work environment
  3. Online Mindfulness and Meditation Coach
    • Job Description: Lead virtual mindfulness sessions and teach meditation techniques to individuals or corporate clients.
    • Requirements: Certification in mindfulness or meditation instruction, excellent communication skills, empathy.
    • Estimated Salary: $40,000-$80,000/year
    • Benefits: Help others reduce stress, flexible schedule, potential for high-paying corporate clients
  4. Remote Cybersecurity Specialist
    • Job Description: Protect organizations’ digital assets from cyber threats. Implement security measures and conduct risk assessments.
    • Requirements: Knowledge of cybersecurity principles, relevant certifications (e.g., CISSP, CEH), problem-solving skills.
    • Estimated Salary: $75,000-$120,000/year
    • Benefits: High demand field, continuous learning opportunities, potential for performance bonuses
  5. Virtual Event Planner
    • Job Description: Organize and coordinate online events, from corporate conferences to virtual weddings and concerts.
    • Requirements: Strong organizational skills, creativity, proficiency with virtual event platforms.
    • Estimated Salary: $45,000-$75,000/year
    • Benefits: Work on diverse and exciting projects, potential for performance bonuses, flexible work hours
  6. Remote UX/UI Designer
    • Job Description: Design user-friendly interfaces for websites and applications, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable user experience.
    • Requirements: Proficiency in design software, understanding of user-centered design principles, portfolio of previous work.
    • Estimated Salary: $60,000-$100,000/year
    • Benefits: Creative work, potential for diverse projects, flexible work arrangement
  7. Online Financial Advisor
    • Job Description: Provide financial planning and investment advice to clients through virtual consultations.
    • Requirements: Relevant certifications (e.g., CFP), strong understanding of financial markets, excellent communication skills.
    • Estimated Salary: $65,000-$120,000/year
    • Benefits: Help others achieve financial goals, potential for high earnings, work from anywhere
  8. Remote Content Marketing Strategist
    • Job Description: Develop and implement content marketing strategies for businesses across various industries.
    • Requirements: Strong writing and analytical skills, understanding of SEO principles, creativity in content creation.
    • Estimated Salary: $50,000-$90,000/year
    • Benefits: Creative role, potential for performance bonuses, flexible work hours
  9. Virtual Interior Designer
    • Job Description: Provide interior design services remotely, creating design plans and offering consultations via video calls.
    • Requirements: Degree in interior design, proficiency in design software, strong visual communication skills.
    • Estimated Salary: $45,000-$80,000/year
    • Benefits: Creative freedom, flexible work hours, potential for diverse projects
  10. Remote Blockchain Developer
    • Job Description: Develop and implement blockchain solutions for various applications, focusing on security and decentralization.
    • Requirements: Proficiency in blockchain technologies and smart contract development, strong understanding of cryptography.
    • Estimated Salary: $80,000-$140,000/year
    • Benefits: Work with cutting-edge technology, potential for cryptocurrency payments, flexible work arrangement

To apply for any of these jobs or similar positions, click here.


As we’ve explored the diverse landscape of CASEY jobs and other remote opportunities, it’s clear that the field of child welfare and family services offers a wealth of rewarding career paths. From family support and youth mentoring to policy analysis and program evaluation, CASEY provides numerous ways to contribute to positive social change while building a fulfilling career. Whether you’re looking to start your journey in child welfare, advance to a leadership position, or explore related fields in social services and community development, there’s a perfect opportunity waiting for you.

To stay informed about the latest CASEY job opportunities and other exciting positions in child welfare and family services, we invite you to subscribe to our email list. By opting in, you’ll receive regular updates on new job postings, insights into the evolving world of social work and child advocacy, and tips for succeeding in these impactful fields. Our goal is to help you navigate the world of career opportunities, whether you’re interested in direct service, research, policy, or exploring new areas of social entrepreneurship and innovation in family services.

Take the first step towards your ideal career in child welfare and family services by joining our community today. Whether you’re passionate about improving outcomes for vulnerable children, excited about social innovation, or simply looking to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives, let us help you discover the perfect role. Subscribe now and open the door to a world of professional possibilities with CASEY and beyond. Your journey to a rewarding career in child welfare and family services starts here!