Securing Your First Client in Remote Social Media Work: A Step-by-Step Guide

Breaking into the world of remote social media work can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to landing your first client. Did you know that starting with no prior experience is doable and can even turn this venture into a full-time career? This enlightening article will arm you with proven strategies on how to land your very first client, set up an effective remote workspace and continuously grow your client base.

Let’s delve in and kick-start your freelance journey today!

Key Takeaways

  • Remote social media work offers flexibility, allowing you to set your own schedule and work from anywhere in the world.
  • Essential skills for a remote social media manager include creativity, copywriting, brand interactions, pitching and selling services, staying updated with trends, managing client relationships, and analysis and reporting.
  • To land your first client in remote social media work, focus on building a portfolio that showcases your skills, developing a rate card or packages to clearly define your pricing structure and services offered, and actively networking and promoting yourself through online platforms.

The Role of a Remote Social Media Manager

A remote social media manager navigates the digital world to foster connections and grow audiences for businesses. This role may involve creating, scheduling, and assessing content across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn or Pinterest.

On a daily basis, they monitor trends to create posts that are engaging and current – ensuring their clients’ brands stay relevant in fast-paced online spaces.

Social media managers often work closely with other facets of a company like marketing or customer service. They combine creativity with analysis to form strategies that meet business objectives.

Not only do they need a thorough understanding of each platform’s nuances, but also an ability to adapt swiftly when algorithms change or new features roll out. Living in various time zones can be advantageous too because it allows them to engage with audiences around the globe at optimal times.

Advantages of Remote Social Media Work

Remote social media work comes with numerous benefits that draw professionals into this dynamic field.

  • First and foremost, the flexibility offered by remote work is unparalleled. You have the opportunity to set your own schedule, prioritizing tasks as needed.
  • Remote social media work allows you to collaborate with clients and teams from all over the world without ever leaving home.
  • With remote work, geographical location is no longer a barrier to job opportunities. This opens up a wider pool of potential clients.
  • Remote social media management often provides a better work – life balance. The absence of commuting time can free up several hours each week for personal pursuits.
  • It allows you to create an environment tailored to your productivity needs without office distractions.
  • There’s an inherent cost saving factor in remote work – less money spent on travel, clothing, meal prep or takeaways, and other cash-consuming aspects of traditional office life.
  • Remote social media managers can shape their employment circumstances according to unique life situations – be it parenthood, studying or travelling.
  • Being able to manage multiple clients at once offers opportunities for higher income growth compared to traditional single employer scenarios.

Essential Skills for a Remote Social Media Manager

To succeed as a remote social media manager, you need to possess essential skills such as creativity, copywriting, brand interactions, pitching and selling services, staying updated with trends, managing client relationships, and analysis and reporting.

These skills are crucial for effectively managing clients’ social media presence from a remote location. Read on to learn more about these skills and how they can help you excel in the field of remote social media work.


Creativity plays an essential role in a successful social media management career, guiding every action from problem-solving to content creation. Freelance social media managers thrive when they creatively present ideas or strategies to clients, making their services stand out from the competition.

Leveraging creativity also aids in crafting engaging posts and campaigns that resonate with various audiences on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. An online portfolio filled with creative work can win over potential clients quicker than any sales pitch; it serves as tangible proof of your ability to enhance a brand’s social media presence.

A vibrant blog further showcases your knowledge and innovative thinking in this dynamic field. Sharing relevant content strategically across multiple channels demonstrates not only your understanding of trends but also your knack for capturing audience attention effectively.


Mastering the art of copywriting is crucial for a successful remote social media manager. Strong copywriting means creating engaging posts that capture the audience’s attention and encourage interaction.

Whether it’s a product description, contest promotion or just daily updates, each word should be carefully chosen to align with the brand’s voice and goals. This skill can make your content stand out among millions of other posts on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Effective copy motivates followers to share your content, expanding its reach beyond normal limits and attracting potential clients to a business. It’s more than just writing; it involves strategic planning to drive consumer behavior towards achieving marketing objectives.

Brand Interactions

Networking with other freelancers and businesses in your industry can lead to increased brand interactions. By building connections and collaborating with others, you can expand your network and potentially find clients who are interested in your social media management services.

Additionally, sharing relevant content on social media platforms can help showcase your skills and expertise, attracting potential clients and increasing brand interactions. Setting up an online portfolio and blog also plays a significant role in increasing brand interactions as it allows potential clients to easily discover you and learn more about your work.

Remember to follow up after meetings or sending proposals as this shows proactivity and interest, leading to potential brand interactions.

Pitching and Selling Services

As a remote social media manager, it is crucial to have strong pitching and selling skills in order to attract and secure clients. One effective strategy is utilizing free or low-cost work to showcase your abilities and build a portfolio.

This not only demonstrates your expertise but also allows you to gather testimonials that can further enhance your credibility. Networking with other freelancers and businesses in the industry can also be valuable, as they may provide referrals or connections to potential clients.

Additionally, setting up an online portfolio and starting a blog can establish you as an authority in the field and make it easier for clients to find you. Sharing relevant content on social media platforms can further demonstrate your skills and build trust with potential clients.

Staying Updated with Trends

Staying updated with trends is essential for a remote social media manager looking to land their first client. With the ever-evolving nature of social media, it’s crucial to stay in the loop and adapt strategies accordingly.

By keeping up with industry news, following influential figures, and monitoring popular platforms, you’ll be equipped with the latest insights and ideas that can impress potential clients.

In fact, according to LinkedIn data, there has been a 116.4% increase in demand for social media managers with essential skills. So, by staying informed about trends, you’ll not only demonstrate your expertise but also show that you’re proactive and ready to deliver results in this fast-paced field.

Managing Client Relationships

Networking with other freelancers and businesses is crucial for managing client relationships. By building connections and forming partnerships, you can gain referrals and recommendations from your peers.

This not only expands your client base but also helps establish trust and credibility with potential clients. Additionally, setting up an online portfolio and starting a blog can make it easier for clients to find you and see the work you have done.

Sharing relevant content on social media platforms further enhances your reputation as an industry expert, fostering stronger relationships with potential clients. Following up after meetings or sending proposals demonstrates your interest in working with them, showing proactive engagement in managing client relationships efficiently.

Analysis and Reporting

Analysis and reporting skills are crucial for remote social media managers. These skills involve examining data and metrics to gain insights into the performance of social media campaigns, as well as providing regular reports to clients.

By analyzing key data points such as engagement rates, reach, click-throughs, and conversions, a remote social media manager can evaluate the effectiveness of their strategies and make informed decisions to drive better results.

Reporting on these findings in a clear and concise manner is essential for virtual assistants to communicate progress with clients and demonstrate the value they bring to their business.

Setting Up Your Remote Social Media Work

In this section, we will discuss the steps you need to take to set up your remote social media work.

Building a Portfolio

Building a portfolio is essential for anyone starting out as a remote social media manager. It allows you to showcase your skills and expertise to potential clients. When building your portfolio, focus on creating high-quality content that represents the type of work you want to do.

This could include examples of social media posts, graphics, or analytics reports. Additionally, it’s important to highlight any relevant certifications or training programs you have completed.

By having a well-organized and visually appealing portfolio, you can impress clients and increase your chances of landing your first client in remote social media work.

Developing Your Rate Card or Packages

Developing your rate card or packages is a crucial step when starting your remote social media work. It’s important to attract clients by clearly defining the pricing structure and services you offer.

Depending on your experience and the tasks involved, you can charge hourly rates, retainer fees, or project-based prices. This allows potential clients to understand what they would be paying for and enables you to set realistic expectations for both parties.

Taking the time to develop a comprehensive rate card or package not only showcases your professionalism but also helps establish trust with clients as they know exactly what they are getting in return for their investment in your services.

Networking and Self-Promotion

Networking and self-promotion are crucial for finding clients as a remote social media manager. Building connections with other freelancers and businesses in the industry can lead to referrals and potential job opportunities.

By attending networking events, joining online communities and forums, or using platforms like LinkedIn, you can expand your network and increase your chances of landing clients. 

Additionally, setting up an online portfolio and starting a blog can showcase your skills and expertise as a social media manager, making it easier for potential clients to find you.

Sharing relevant content on social media is another effective way to demonstrate your knowledge and build trust with potential clients. So make sure to actively engage in networking activities and promote yourself through various channels to attract new clients.

Building Additional Skills

To succeed as a remote social media manager, it’s important to continuously build and expand your skillset. In addition to the essential skills mentioned earlier, there are additional skills that can set you apart from the competition.

One such skill is graphic design. Being able to create eye-catching graphics and visuals for social media posts will make your content more engaging and attractive to clients. Another valuable skill is video editing.

With the rise of video content on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, having the ability to edit videos will give you an edge in creating captivating social media campaigns. Additionally, staying up-to-date with emerging technologies and trends in the digital marketing industry will ensure that you remain relevant and competitive in this ever-evolving field.

Incorporating these additional skills into your repertoire will not only make you a well-rounded remote social media manager but also increase your value as a professional in this industry.

How to Land Your First Client

To land your first client, use free or low-cost work to develop your resume, network with other freelancers and businesses, set up an online portfolio and blog, share relevant content on social media, and follow up after meetings or proposals.

Using Free or Low-Cost Work to Develop Your Resume

You don’t need to have a long list of paid clients to begin building your resume as a remote social media manager. One effective strategy is to offer free or low-cost work in exchange for valuable experience and testimonials.

By taking on these projects, you can showcase your skills, demonstrate your dedication, and gather feedback that will help validate your expertise. This approach not only helps you build credibility but also allows you to refine your craft and develop relationships with satisfied clients who may become loyal customers in the future.

Networking with Other Freelancers and Businesses

Networking with other freelancers and businesses in your industry is a valuable strategy for finding new clients. By connecting with professionals who have similar skills and interests, you can tap into their networks and gain referrals.

Building relationships with other freelancers also opens up opportunities for collaboration or partnership on larger projects. Additionally, attending networking events, joining online communities or forums, and participating in social media groups related to your industry can help you expand your network further.

By actively engaging in these networking activities, you increase your visibility among potential clients and position yourself as a trusted professional within the freelance community.

Setting up an Online Portfolio and Blogging

Setting up an online portfolio and starting a blog are essential steps in establishing yourself as a social media manager. An online portfolio allows you to showcase your previous work, highlight your skills, and demonstrate your understanding of various social media platforms.

It serves as a virtual resume that potential clients can access anytime. Additionally, by creating a blog related to social media management, you can share valuable insights, tips, and industry trends with your target audience.

This not only helps establish your expertise but also attracts potential clients who may be searching for guidance in the field. Sharing relevant content on social media further enhances your credibility and builds trust with potential clients who see the value you bring to their businesses or brands.

Important Fact: Setting up an online portfolio and blogging can demonstrate your knowledge and skills as a social media manager and make it easier for potential clients to find you.

Sharing Relevant Content on Social Media

Sharing relevant content on social media is a powerful way to showcase your skills and expertise as a remote social media manager. By consistently posting valuable and informative content, you can demonstrate your knowledge of the industry while building trust with potential clients.

Sharing relevant articles, tips, and insights related to social media management allows you to position yourself as an authority in your field. This not only attracts potential clients but also encourages them to engage with your content and reach out for more information about your services.

So, make sure to curate and share high-quality content that aligns with the interests and needs of your target audience across platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Following Up After Meetings or Proposals

Following up after meetings or proposals is a crucial step in landing your first client in remote social media work. It shows your dedication and professionalism while also keeping you at the forefront of their minds.

Be sure to send a personalized follow-up email within 24 hours, expressing your continued interest and highlighting any key points discussed during the meeting or proposal. This will help solidify your connection and increase the chances of securing the client’s business.

Remember, clear communication and prompt follow-up are essential for building trust with potential clients in the remote social media industry.

Online vs In-Person Client Acquisition

Online vs In-Person Client Acquisition is an important consideration for remote social media managers, as it determines the approach they take in finding and securing clients.

‘Warm’ Online Leads

Finding warm online leads can be a game-changer when it comes to landing your first client in remote social media work. These are potential clients who have shown some level of interest or engagement with your work, making them more likely to convert into paying customers.

One effective way to generate warm online leads is by using free or low-cost work to develop your resume and obtain testimonials. This not only showcases your skills but also builds trust and credibility with potential clients.

Additionally, networking with other freelancers and businesses can help you tap into their existing client base and gain referrals for freelance opportunities. Setting up an online portfolio and starting a blog can also make it easier for these warm leads to find you, as they can easily browse through your previous work samples and see the value you offer.

‘Cold’ Online Leads

Freelancers can also acquire clients through ‘cold’ online leads. This involves reaching out to potential clients who have not expressed direct interest in hiring a freelancer. Cold emailing is one effective method for connecting with these leads.

By crafting personalized and compelling emails that highlight the freelancer’s skills and experiences, there is an opportunity to catch the attention of potential clients. Attending virtual networking events or joining online communities related to the chosen industry can also present opportunities for making new connections and generating cold leads.

It is important for freelancers to be proactive in their outreach efforts and follow up on any potential leads that may arise from these interactions. Clear communication, showcasing expertise, and being persistent can increase the chances of landing new clients through ‘cold’ online lead generation methods.

‘Warm’ In-Person Leads

In-person client acquisition is a powerful way to connect with potential clients in a more personal and meaningful manner. When you meet someone face-to-face, you have the opportunity to build rapport, establish trust, and showcase your expertise.

This personal connection can lead to stronger relationships with clients, as they are more likely to remember and trust someone they have met in person. In-person meetings also allow for better communication and understanding of client needs and expectations.

By taking advantage of these “warm” leads through in-person interactions, you can increase your chances of landing that first client and setting yourself up for success in your remote social media work.

‘Cold’ In-Person Leads

Cold in-person leads are potential clients that you approach directly without any prior contact or relationship. These leads offer the opportunity for face-to-face interaction and personal connection, which can be beneficial in building trust and rapport.

Cold in-person leads can be obtained through methods like cold emailing businesses and attending networking events. By approaching potential clients directly, you have the chance to make a strong impression and convince them to choose you as a virtual assistant or freelancer.

Handling Rejections and Setbacks

Rejections and setbacks are an inevitable part of trying to secure your first client in remote social media work. It’s important not to let these experiences discourage you. Instead, view them as valuable learning opportunities that can lead to even better opportunities in the future.

When faced with a rejection or setback, take the time to reflect on what went wrong and how you can improve for next time. Building a strong rating and reputation on job sites is crucial for attracting higher-paying clients down the line.

Remember, every rejection brings you one step closer to success.In addition, utilizing social media can be a powerful tool for freelancers looking to connect with potential clients and fellow freelancers alike. By building relationships online through platforms such as LinkedIn or participating in relevant social media groups, you increase your chances of finding new leads and expanding your network.

Another effective strategy is cold emailing or cold calling potential clients directly, but make sure each outreach is personalized and well-researched. Taking initiative even when faced with rejections can help propel your career forward in remote social media work.

Keeping the Momentum: Scouting for More Clients

To continue growing your freelance social media business, here are some strategies for scouting for more clients:

  1. Utilize online communities and forums related to your industry.
  2. Engage with LinkedIn groups to connect with potential clients and showcase your expertise.
  3. Keep an eye on job boards for freelance opportunities.
  4. Attend networking events and conferences to expand your professional network.
  5. Leverage social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote your services and connect with prospects.
  6. Consider guest posting on relevant blogs or websites to increase your visibility and credibility.
  7. Use online advertising, such as Facebook ads or Google Ads, to reach a wider audience.
  8. Explore affiliate marketing by partnering with businesses that align with your services.
  9. Join freelancing platforms like Upwork or to access a wide range of job opportunities.

Charging Your Clients: Tips and Best Practices

Setting the right price for your services is crucial to the success of your freelance social media business. Here are some tips and best practices to help you charge your clients effectively:

  1. Research industry standards: Look at what other freelance social media managers charge for similar services. This will give you an idea of the going rate in the market.
  2. Consider your experience and expertise: Determine how your qualifications, skills, and unique experiences set you apart from other freelancers. You can justify charging higher rates based on your expertise and track record.
  3. Define your pricing structure: Decide whether you want to charge by the hour, project, or retainer basis. Each pricing model has its pros and cons, so choose one that aligns with your business goals.
  4. Create clear packages or service options: Offering different packages can make it easier for clients to understand what they’re getting and choose a level of service that suits their needs and budget.
  5. Provide detailed proposals: When presenting a proposal to potential clients, be specific about what services you will provide and how much each service will cost. This transparency helps build trust and reduces misunderstandings.
  6. Factor in all costs: Consider all expenses related to running your freelance business when determining your rates. This includes overhead costs, taxes, software subscriptions, and any other expenses you incur while providing social media management services.
  7. Value-based pricing: Instead of focusing solely on time spent on a project, consider the value you bring to clients’ businesses. If your work has the potential to generate significant revenue or increase brand visibility, justify higher rates based on those outcomes.
  8. Be confident in discussing pricing: Clearly communicate your rates with clients from the start of the negotiation process. Be confident in explaining why you charge what you do and how it aligns with the value you provide.
  9. Use contracts: Always use written contracts that outline the scope of work, payment terms, and any other important details. This helps protect both parties and ensures everyone is on the same page.
  10. Regularly evaluate and adjust your rates: As you gain experience and expertise, don’t be afraid to raise your rates. Review your pricing periodically to ensure it reflects the value you provide and accounts for changes in your business expenses.


Landing your first client in remote social media work may seem daunting, but with the right strategies and persistence, it is definitely achievable. By leveraging free or low-cost work to build your resume, networking with other freelancers and businesses, establishing an online portfolio and blog, sharing relevant content on social media, and following up after meetings or proposals, you can increase your chances of securing that first client.

Remember to stay proactive and never underestimate the power of building connections in this industry.