Mastering the Essentials: Top Skills for Succeeding in Remote Social Media Jobs

Are you dreaming of landing a remote social media job but not sure what skills are required? By 2020, the term “social media manager” has seen a sharp increase in interest, underscoring its growing importance in businesses.

This blog will guide you through the top ten indispensable skills needed to excel at a remote social media role, from copywriting to customer service and everything between. Keep reading if you’re ready to propel your career into the vibrant world of social media.

Key Takeaways

  • Copywriting is a must – have skill for remote social media managers, allowing them to effectively communicate their brand’s voice on various platforms.
  • Graphic design and video editing skills are essential for tailoring engaging posts for social media platforms.
  • Public speaking is a vital skill that enhances productivity and communication, facilitating exceptional customer service experiences in remote social media jobs.
  • Strong customer service and community engagement skills help foster positive brand interactions and create a sense of belonging within the online community.

The Role of a Social Media Manager in a Remote Setting

A Social Media Manager working remotely executes various crucial functions. They design and implement social media strategies to align with business goals. Using platforms like WordPress, SproutSocial, Facebook Ads Manager, Google Analytics, they generate and publish engaging content on a routine basis.

Their tasks also include staying up-to-date with current technologies and trends in social media, designing tools that monitor the success of campaigns and develop monthly reports.

These professionals handle all social channels of an organization while responding to followers in real-time, fostering a strong connection between users and companies. Certifications and training in Media Law and Ethics, Google Analytics Academy, SEO also form part of their role.

They must have excellent copywriting skills mixed with a predictive understanding of what buzzes on each platform. Consistent learning about evolving consumer behavior helps them alter strategies accordingly ensuring ongoing engagement even when operating from remote settings.

Balancing creativity alongside data-driven decisions is another important facet for them as they need to analyze performance metrics converting insights into fruitful actions advancing the company’s brand image online.

Therefore their role encompasses both – being technical by analyzing data using Basic HTML knowledge as well as being innovative by handling graphics design operations efficiently.

Essential Skills for a Remote Social Media Job

Remote social media jobs require essential skills such as copywriting, design, public speaking, customer service/community engagement, behavioral psychology, analytics, budgeting, adaptability, business savviness, and efficiency/project management.


Mastering the art of copywriting is a must-have skill for any aspiring Social Media Manager. It plays an integral role in creating catchy headlines, engaging social media posts, and compelling marketing material that grabs your audience’s attention.

Having proficiency in copywriting allows you to effectively communicate your brand’s voice on social media platforms – be it Facebook Posts or Twitter updates.

Public Speaking is another important facet under this skill domain. A good copywriter knows how to weave words seamlessly into persuasive narratives, driving valuable customer engagement.

With skills rooted in behavioral psychology, a Social Media Manager can craft messages that resonate deeply with audiences, prompting them to take desired actions such as liking a post or buying a product.

Design (Graphics and Videos)

Visual content is at the forefront of successful social media strategies. Every social media manager needs strong graphic design and video editing skills to tailor engaging posts for various platforms.

The use of images significantly boosts audience interaction, according to Social Media Metrics. In fact, posts with graphics receive higher engagement across all networks. Simultaneously, there’s an escalating demand for video content reflecting current social media trends.

Tools like Adobe Illustrator or Canva help create compelling visuals while applications such as iMovie or Adobe Premiere Pro aid in crafting effective videos. For live experiences, apps like Facebook Live and Instagram Live offer first-rate interactive settings that captivate audiences effectively.

Public Speaking

Public speaking is a vital skill for remote social media managers. Not only does it allow them to engage confidently with their audience through live videos and interviews, but it also enhances productivity and communication in the modern workplace.

Despite being under-utilized, with only 21% of businesses leveraging social media for customer support, this capability presents an opportunity to deliver exceptional service experiences.

Mastering public speaking can undoubtedly pave the way for success in remote social media jobs.

Customer Service / Community Engagement

Social media managers are not only responsible for crafting engaging content and running campaigns, but they also play a crucial role in providing exceptional customer service and fostering community engagement.

With only 21% of businesses using social media for customer support, there is a huge opportunity for social media managers to stand out by offering prompt and helpful assistance to customers on various platforms.

Strong customer service skills and the ability to address inquiries and handle complaints effectively can enhance brand loyalty and generate positive word-of-mouth. Additionally, community engagement is key in building relationships with followers, encouraging participation, and creating a sense of belonging within the online community.

By responding to comments, facilitating discussions, and organizing interactive events such as live Q&A sessions or contests, social media managers can foster meaningful connections with their audience while promoting brand awareness.

Behavioral Psychology

Understanding behavioral psychology is crucial for social media managers. By studying how people think and behave, they can create engaging content that resonates with their audience.

Behavioral psychology helps social media managers understand why certain posts attract people and are shared, allowing them to tailor their content to increase engagement and reach.

It also enables them to generate leads for sales teams by identifying consumer behaviors that indicate interest or intent to purchase. Moreover, having a solid understanding of behavioral psychology allows social media managers to provide exceptional customer service experiences through social media channels, fostering positive brand interactions and increasing customer satisfaction.

In summary, knowledge of behavioral psychology is essential for effective social media management. It empowers social media managers to create compelling content that engages their audience, generates leads, and provides outstanding customer service experiences.


Social media managers need strong analytics skills to measure the performance of their social media campaigns and determine how they align with business goals. By analyzing metrics such as engagement rates, reach, click-through rates, and conversions, social media managers can identify what elements of their campaigns are working well and make data-driven decisions for future strategies.

Analytics also allow them to understand their audience better by gaining insights into demographics, interests, and behavioral patterns. This information helps in crafting content that resonates with their target audience and drives meaningful engagement.

Moreover, analytics help track the success of lead generation efforts in B2B companies or direct sales impact in B2C companies. With a solid understanding of analytics tools and techniques, social media managers can optimize their campaign performance and demonstrate the value they bring to achieving business objectives.


Budgeting skills are crucial for social media managers in remote settings. These skills enable them to effectively allocate resources and make informed financial decisions. By understanding how much they can spend on various aspects of their social media strategy, such as paid advertising or content creation, social media managers can optimize their budgets to achieve the best possible results.

With budgeting skills, they can ensure that they invest in the right areas and prioritize initiatives that align with their business objectives. Ultimately, budgeting plays a significant role in helping social media managers maximize the impact of their efforts while staying within budget constraints.


Adaptability is a crucial skill for social media managers in remote jobs. With the ever-changing landscape of social media, being adaptable allows managers to stay on top of trends and quickly adjust their strategies.

By being open-minded and flexible, they can experiment with new approaches and keep their campaigns fresh and engaging. Being adaptable also means staying curious about the latest developments in the field, so managers can continuously learn and improve their skills.

In an industry that evolves at a rapid pace, adaptability helps social media managers thrive in remote roles.

Business Savviness

Business savviness is a crucial skill for social media managers. It allows them to understand and implement effective marketing strategies that align with their organization’s goals and drive results.

Social media managers who possess business savviness are more likely to make informed decisions by staying updated on industry trends and analyzing data to identify key insights. This skill enables them to navigate the ever-changing landscape of social media platforms, adapting their strategies accordingly.

With business savviness, social media managers have the knowledge and expertise to contribute meaningfully towards achieving their organization’s objectives in the digital realm.

In addition, having business savviness empowers social media managers to effectively communicate with stakeholders across different departments within their organization. By understanding the language of business metrics and being able to articulate how social media efforts contribute to overall success, they can gain support from other teams and secure resources needed for various initiatives.

Moreover, this skill helps them build trust with clients or customers as they can demonstrate how social media activities generate tangible results aligned with business objectives.

Efficiency and Project Management

Efficiency and project management skills are essential in the world of remote social media jobs. As a social media manager, it is crucial to be able to manage your time effectively and ensure tasks are completed efficiently.

This includes setting clear goals, creating a schedule or calendar to stay organized, and prioritizing tasks based on their importance and deadlines. Being efficient also means being able to juggle multiple projects at once and staying focused on completing them within the given timeframe.

Project management skills come into play when planning and executing social media campaigns or strategies. It involves coordinating with different team members, setting timelines, allocating resources effectively, and monitoring progress throughout the project’s lifecycle.

The Importance of Different Social Media Platforms

Different social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok play a crucial role in reaching and engaging with diverse audiences.


Social media managers must have a strong understanding of Facebook, as it is one of the most important platforms for businesses. They need to know how to effectively create and manage Facebook Pages, engage with followers through comments and direct messages, and use the platform’s advertising tools to reach their target audience.

Additionally, social media managers should stay up-to-date with the latest features and algorithms on Facebook in order to optimize content performance. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers a massive potential audience for businesses, making it crucial for social media managers to have expertise in utilizing this platform effectively.

[Fact from IMPORTANT FACTS]: Social media is the top channel for customer care, but only a small percentage of businesses utilize it for customer support.


Instagram is a crucial social media platform in today’s work environment. With over one billion monthly active users, it provides businesses with an opportunity to reach and engage a wide audience.

Whether you’re a remote social media manager or working in-house, understanding the ins and outs of Instagram can greatly benefit your brand’s online presence. It is important to note that using Instagram responsibly and adhering to clear regulations and policies is essential for maintaining a positive brand image and preventing unproductive usage during work hours.


LinkedIn is a valuable platform for social media managers to showcase their skills and experience. It has seen a significant increase in interest for the term “social media manager” since 2004, highlighting its growing importance in companies.

Professionals in the social media industry can use LinkedIn to stay updated with the latest developments and trends. Additionally, LinkedIn provides networking opportunities, allowing social media managers to connect with other professionals in their field.

With its wide range of features and resources, LinkedIn is an essential tool for social media managers looking to establish themselves and grow their careers.


Pinterest is another important social media platform for remote social media jobs. It allows users to discover and save ideas for various topics such as fashion, home decor, recipes, and more.

As a social media manager in a remote setting, having knowledge of Pinterest can greatly enhance your skills and make you more valuable to clients or employers. With its focus on visual content, Pinterest offers opportunities for showcasing creative design skills through captivating pins and graphics.

Additionally, understanding the use of keywords and hashtags on this platform can help optimize content visibility and attract the right audience. By utilizing Pinterest’s analytics tools, you can measure the success of your strategies and make data-driven decisions to improve engagement with followers.


Twitter is a popular social media platform that plays an important role in the world of remote social media jobs. With its fast-paced nature and character limit for posts, Twitter allows social media managers to engage with their audience in real-time and share concise updates.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that tweets with images receive more engagement than those without. As video content becomes increasingly in demand, Twitter also provides opportunities for creative video marketing campaigns.

With these factors in mind, having a strong understanding of how to effectively utilize Twitter can be a valuable skill for remote social media professionals looking to succeed in their roles.


YouTube is one of the most important social media platforms for remote social media jobs. With 43% of consumers wanting more video content, YouTube provides a valuable channel for reaching and engaging with audiences.

Social media managers need to understand how to leverage the power of video to create compelling content that resonates with viewers. By analyzing YouTube metrics and understanding audience behavior, they can tailor their strategies to maximize engagement and drive results.

From creating tutorials and product demonstrations to hosting live streams and collaborating with influencers, YouTube offers endless opportunities for remote social media professionals to connect with their target audience and achieve business goals.


TikTok is a rapidly growing social media platform that allows users to create and share short videos. With over 2 billion downloads worldwide, it has become one of the most popular apps among Gen Z and Millennial users.

TikTok’s algorithmic feed and user-friendly interface make it easy for content creators to reach a wide audience and gain followers quickly. It offers various features like filters, effects, and soundtracks, enabling users to showcase their creativity in bite-sized videos.

As a social media manager in today’s remote work environment, having an understanding of TikTok can be beneficial in reaching younger demographics and staying updated with current trends.

Traits that Complement Social Media Skills

Curiosity, agility, and creativity are just a few of the traits that complement social media skills. Discover how these traits contribute to success in remote social media jobs. Read more here!


Curiosity is a crucial trait that complements the social media skills needed for remote social media jobs. It drives social media managers to continually seek new knowledge, stay updated on trends, and explore innovative strategies.

Having curiosity allows them to understand their target audience better and uncover insights that can help create more engaging content. By embracing curiosity, social media managers can constantly adapt to the evolving landscape of social media platforms and keep their finger on the pulse of what resonates with their audience.

Additionally, curiosity helps them understand behavioral psychology and why certain posts attract people and prompt them to share, enabling them to craft content that is not only visually appealing but also emotionally compelling.


Agility is a crucial trait for social media managers in remote jobs. With the ever-changing landscape of social media, it is important to be adaptable and flexible. Social media trends come and go quickly, so being agile allows managers to stay ahead by quickly adjusting their strategies and taking advantage of new opportunities.

Additionally, agility enables them to effectively respond to crises that may arise on social platforms. By staying nimble and responsive, social media managers can ensure that they are always delivering the right content at the right time, keeping their audience engaged and satisfied.


Creativity is a vital trait that complements the skills of social media managers in remote jobs. By thinking outside the box, they can develop unique and engaging content that captures their audience’s attention.

Creativity also allows them to come up with innovative strategies to stand out in a crowded social media landscape. It helps social media managers think critically and find new ways to reach their target audience effectively.

With creative thinking, they can craft compelling posts, design eye-catching graphics, and produce captivating videos that resonate with their followers. Moreover, creativity enables them to adapt quickly to changing trends and experiment with different approaches to meet business objectives.

Improving Your Social Media Skills for Remote Jobs

To improve your social media skills for remote jobs, consider the following:

  • Stay updated with the latest trends and emerging technologies in social media marketing.
  • Take advantage of online courses and webinars to enhance your knowledge and understanding of social media platforms and strategies.
  • Engage in networking and join industry – specific groups on social media platforms to connect with professionals in the field.
  • Build a strong personal brand on social media by consistently posting quality content that showcases your expertise.
  • Practice writing skills by creating engaging social media posts that resonate with your target audience.
  • Analyze data and metrics to track the performance of your social media campaigns and identify areas for improvement.

The Growing Demand for Remote Social Media Jobs

The demand for remote social media jobs is increasing rapidly. With the rise of digital and online platforms, businesses are recognizing the importance of establishing a strong online presence.

As a result, they require skilled social media managers who can effectively manage their social media accounts and engage with their target audience. Additionally, remote work offers flexibility and convenience for both employers and employees, eliminating geographical constraints and allowing companies to tap into a global talent pool.

This growing demand for remote social media jobs provides ample opportunities for individuals looking to enter or advance in the field. According to Google Trends, the term “social media manager” has seen a significant increase in interest since 2004, indicating the rising popularity of this role.

Therefore, developing strong skills in areas such as copywriting, design (graphics and videos), public speaking, customer service/community engagement, behavioral psychology, analytics, budgeting,and adaptability is crucial to thriving in this expanding job market.


Social media managers in remote settings require a diverse set of skills to succeed. From copywriting and design to customer service and analytics, these professionals must be adaptable, creative, and business-savvy.

With the ever-evolving nature of social media platforms, staying up-to-date with trends and being able to adjust strategies is crucial for success in this field. Developing these top 10 skills will help aspiring remote social media professionals thrive in the digital landscape.